Cloudy water can occur if bacteria overgrow a system.
Hello, today let’s talk about cloudy water. If your fish tank, or pond is suffering with cloudy water, you need to fix that. Cloudy water causes serious problems. It’s a symptom of serious problems. Cloudy water appears any time something changes in an aquarium or pond. Most often it is when the system is brand new. In new systems, various kinds of germs are all trying to figure out who is the boss. Bacteria grow up quickly and have no predators nor natural down-regulators These germs bloom and cloud the water. This is terrible for the fishes’ gills. If left alone, fish under this kind of stress will develop bacterial gill disease. What Does Clouding Mean? Sometimes, clouding comes from minerals which are dissolved in the water. That’s called mineral clouding. When you’re put gravel into an aquarium or pond for the first time. For a very short while, “mineral turbidity” isn’t a big deal. But if it drags on for a few days you may see “Stress related” disease outbreaks. And the worst part is, that in cloudy water you don’t see the fish having trouble. How Bad is Cloudy Water?